Wednesday, June 10, 2009


By: Devvy
May 11, 2009
“There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.” Mark Twain
The other day another email came into my mail box about taking back America with a note to support a candidate. Going into my twentieth year of full time activism, Ive heard it before, only to see people chase the same non solutions. The tea parties continue with lots of newly awakened and angry Americans. I have said for a long time that people dont become activists until the system hurts them in some way or disturbs their comfort zone. When enough Americans become victims of the federal machine, they will react. That time has come and is building, but will Americans pursue solutions or be distracted with things like We need a third party!
The solutions to return this country to a constitutional republic (we are not a democracy) is already there in the U.S. Constitution. But, let me respond to the email I referenced above because we have to remember this: Who makes the laws? Congress and your state legislatures; minor ones at the local levels of government. Who enforces those laws? Law enforcement; sheriffs and local police. The courts are rancid at the federal level with judges and justices legislating from the bench. Not much better at the state level, but in many states you can throw them out on election day. This rarely happens because people simply punch a hole in the voting card next to a judges name they saw on a sign without knowing a single case that judge decided.
Reality vs denial
There can be change no change with the same incumbents. Let me give you one example: I watched Diane Feinstein (theres enough hard evidence to send her to prison forever and I dont make that statement lightly) on FOX during the rape session (bail outs last year). She said 90,000 people called her office about the bailouts. 80,000 said no and she voted for all of it anyway. You see, these craven crooks in Congress dont give a tinkers damn what you and I want.
Unless and until you can remove at least 300 incumbents in the House and 60 or more in the Senate, the same party with two different names will go back in January 2011 to the agenda of the global elites who own them .
Do you know Thomas Jefferson belonged to the Democratic-Republican Party? So did Madison, Monroe and John Quincy Adams. Andy Jackson was a Democrat. Its not the party that counts (I belong to none), its what the individual stands for without wavering in those principles and convictions that matters. Personally, I believe the Democratic Party should merge with the Communist Party USA because there is zero difference in ideology and goals.
The Rest&

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